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Inner Child Play

Art inThe Park! 


MellaMind Presents

A Self Love & Authenticity Event

Mindfulness and embodiment women's group activations. An intentional and mindful approach to bringing forth your true self! 


Art in the Park!

This activation will be in a chic picnic format providing soul nourishing food, craft activities intention setting, affirmation practice, self love and power embodiment practice, with a grounding meditation honoring and helping our inner child be SEEN to close our session. All with cider, wine, crafts, and good vibes!

Picnic in Park

Everything you desire is YOURS! 

You must be able to label it and claim it. Tonight we claim the rest of our year and move forward with intention. No more false self promises, no more putting your destiny off until the next day, or Monday! Today you affirm your input into the life you desire, alongside women who also intend their power, this activation will hold great space in your hearts and journeys.

Be wild, be free, let out your Inner Child!

You'll be able to leave with a completed art project for your sacred space, as well as a light heart from  soul connections you've made, with yourself as well. Your inner child is filled with glee as you handle your future with such honor and care. The memory will be cherished forever!

Heart Sunglasses

Sign Up for Inner Child Play:
Art inThe Park

You can RSVP Multiple ways:

Location: To be disclosed to fully registered souls. We hope you can make it! At a park in Newport Beach/ Irvine Area

I can't wait to empower your fall season as I empower my own!

✨🍁See you soon beautiful souls! 🍁✨

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Photos From our First Fall Intentions: Grounding into the Season Gathering

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Thank you for staying connected, Beautiful Soul!

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*The information provided on this website and material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.

*Please note that I cannot take any responsibility for the results of your actions, and any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use, or non-use of the information available on this website and materials. Please use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking any action or implementing any plan or practice suggested or recommended on this website and materials.

*Please note that I don’t make any guarantees about the results of the information applied on this website and materials. I share educational and informational resources that are intended to help you succeed in life and mindset transformation. You nevertheless need to know that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond my knowledge and control.

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