Presented by Melanie Smith of
I am so excited to share my light and heart with you while guiding you into the activation of your feminine power. Now more than ever, we need to feel at home in our bodies. To feel grounded in our purpose and to thrive in our light of authenticity and power.
You may not feel the power within you yet, though through this immersive activation training, you'll find that your potential may have gone unnoticed for too long. It's time to commit to your power, your soul, your light, with Women in Power as your first step, I am grateful to provide a spark.
Women in Power
What is it: It is a safe space where a group of women are able to join in commitment to let go of ego, pride, and control as they embark on a journey of self discovery, empowerment, and accountability. They'll be able to label and identify what is holding them back as well as what is needed in order to take the next steps of life's path. You'll learn to create habits and embody the very energy of who you intend to become.
We will laugh, we will cry, sing, dance, sweat, yell at the top of our lungs, grow, heal, and catapult into the next phase this beautiful life has for us.
Where is it: A beautiful park within Irvine or Lake Forest, California to be disclosed to all participants. Welcoming an open environment of pillows, mats, break and picnic mat, and beautiful nature surrounding.
Who can come: All souls looking to gain understanding and structure on activating their power within while managing practical expectations within a society. Whether you're at a turning point in your life or are looking for something new to begin, this is a great immersive program your soul may have brought you here for! One must commit to openness and fleeing from comfort zones. Just bring yourself and be free! All ages and women identifying ( or non binary) souls welcomed.
When: Every Saturday beginning April 15th, 2022 from 9am to 12pm followed by optional picnic lunch. The program extends to 6 weeks and ends on August 28th. There will be a "FINAL Challenge" event a week following the ending which will be the testament of strength, growth, and self trust. Final date announced later in the program.
Why: We as women feel compelled to awaken our power within, There is more to this existence than what we've been guided to embody and endure. It's time to be our own guide, take our power, recognize our power, awaken our power, and Stand solidly in our power. For in our power, we cannot be swayed. In our power as many, we illuminate where we take space. Women in Power is to ignite the illuminators.
At the the end of this activation, you will confidently and calmly be able to state: "I AM a Women in Power"