Full Moon Aquarius Mindful Astrology Shadow-Worksheet
POWERFUL Shadow-Worksheets for a MINDFUL and Intentional FULL Moon for Your Higher Self!
Use and enjoy these worksheets within the energy leading up to the Full Moon or on the Day Of. Answering the powerful and energetically aligned questions for Your Soul during this time will Greatly expand your Higher Self Ascension Journey.
Be sure to LOVE Yourself along the way!
Know that you are exactly where you need to be at all times!
*You can download and print the PDF to fill out the worksheets or use them digitally. Open in your favorite app and markup as you'd like!
Everything you desire is Within You. It is Already Yours!
-Melanie of MellaMind
**Don't forget to come back for the NEW Moon on September 2nd. Worksheets available for each New and Full Moon phase THREE DAYS before each moon on MellaMind.com.
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Catch up in the Astrology Group! How does this energy feel for you Today? Discuss with the other Beautiful Souls!
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(Link in order PDF materials, simply click and join!)
See you there Beautiful Soul!